Welcome To The Varuni Jayasekara Academy

The Varuni Jayasekara Academy develops high standards of speech, communication, presentation and performance whilst encouraging an appreciation of literature, poetry and drama. We offer syllabuses with a wide range of disciplines that provide progression through a graded system giving equal opportunities to everyone irrespective of age, ability or culture and prepares learners for the responsibilities, requirements and experiences they will encounter in this 21st century.

VJ Academy of Speech, Drama and Communication
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VJ Academy of English for Specific Purposes
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“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” Jimmy Johnson
News & Events
Concert - Flight of Flamboyance
Concert - Flight of Flamboyance
A Concert organized by the Varuni Jayasekara Academy in 2013, in which students participated in a public performance.
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STSD Award
STSD Award
The Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama in the United Kingdom, awarded a Fellowship to Mrs. Varuni Jayasekara on 8th June 2017.
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Award by Trinity College - Sri Lanka Centre
Award by Trinity College - Sri Lanka Centre
In 1992, Mrs. Varuni Jayasekara was awarded a trophy by the Sri Lanka Centre of the Trinity College of London.
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